Monday, February 21, 2011

Matelot Tatoué

Matelot Tatoué / Tattooed Sailor

I little experiment I've just done on this flat fallow Monday.

I hardly ever use dip pen and almost never get the old watercolours out. But you cannot beat how it looks, the washes, the happy accidents. Or in this case, the unhappy accidents, as I hadn't realised the ink I was using would run when I started to apply the watercolours. D'oh!

What's the ink I need? Is it Indian ink/ Encre de Chine that doesn't run once dry?

Anyway, not bad for a first attempt I reckon!


Doug said...

What is your usual technique? I was guessing that you scanned an ink drawing and colored it with Photoshop. Is this correct? I like the look of it.

Duncan said...

Sacre Blur!

Guillaume Pelletier said...

Yes, encre de Chine will never run after it dries. I often do washes over ink line drawings, and never have any problems. Winsor & Newton Black Indian Ink is the one I'm currently using. It's pretty good : beautiful black, nice fluidity, etc. So what technique/media do you normally use? I actually thought that you did use dip pen, because your line has tremendous character and a lot of "thick and thin" variations.

Beautiful drawing, by the way!