Friday, March 4, 2011

City of Nantes

La Cité de Nantes (blason)

These are my take on the coat-of-arms of Nantes, in Brittany (Bretagne), France.

I have never been but the place has long had a fascination and draw for me. Home of the imcomparable Jacques Demy, giant mechanised elephants, the LU Petit Buerre bisket... et la plupart de mes amis de FessesBouc français!

I hope very much that this year I will visit it at last!

The arms show a ship upon the waves. The band of ermine at the top indicates that the City is in Brittany, and lies on the mouth of the great river Loire at the regions southernmost tip. The sails of the ship should also be of ermine but I've swapped them for the town's famous biscuit/ bisket!

The motto, Favet Neptunus Eunti, is Latin and means Neptune Favours the Sailors. I am not at all sure of the ship's friggin' rigging but then I'm no sailor. But like King Neptune I favour them! (Favet Paulus Eunti)

Bonjour mes potos nantais!

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