Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ink Sketch - 30 Jan 2012

Ink Sketch - 30 Jan 2012

Still clearing out the cob-webs of my mind, and unblocking the spring, restoring flow, after the seasonal January doldrums. Next year, I think I'll take a leaf out of my friend Ben's book - to take pain-in-the-janus January off to recoup and spend my days beside pub hearthsides reading, supping ale and thinking soft thoughts. It would suit my nature better.

Here is another page of dip-pen and ink scribblings that I did last night, full o' the things that fill my brain these days - bone-yards & Death, words and letterforms, Dickens, Mother Shipton, ladies of the night, bird-faced fools and burly bearded men! The usual then...

Click on the Image to Enlarge


Clive Hicks-Jenkins said...

Mr Bommer, you draw like a dream.

Clive Hicks-Jenkins said...

Keep dipping your nib my friend. You conjure such treasures from your little pot of ink!

in a drawing room said...

Ha ha ha. I love that little man on the bottom left corner running away into the chaos of your other creatures.

lionel fahy out of step said...


Elise N Black said...

I love your pen and ink.