Thursday, January 31, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Tales and Legends" No 2

I've a bit of a thing for Shakespeare.

The Winter's Tale is a play seldom played ( and it's not one I've seen) - perhaps, with its mix of dream countries, exotic wild animals, supernatural beings (even Old Father Time himself is in there!), bizarre events like a woman saved in a trunk from shipwreck and a statue coming to life, initial tragedy and eventual comic redemption makes it a dish too rich and headily spiced for modern palettes to stomach.

Click on the Image to ENLARGE


Carmen Saldaña said...

I love it¡¡¡ I like the textures, the colors and the character. The application of the typography is very cool¡

Vhrsti said...

I gape at this in silent awe. "Zimni pohadka" is in Czech language and I am from Czech Republic. So how did it get here?

BTW the poster is absolutly perfect - the colors, drawing, typography... Love your works a lot. It is a pity that your homepage is under construction.

ElizT said...

I agree, it's very striking.

•MaRCe said...

Love the typography, colors, style and composition :)

Diandra Mae said...

What wonderful graphic work! I love the bright yellow with the dark brown of the bear and text- wonderful contrast.