Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Twitter Ye Not - The Great Escape

Twitter Ye Not - The Great Escape

A regular piece for the Daily Mail Weekend magazine about how figures in history might have twittered or tweeted or whatever, had they the chance, inclination and technology.

During the night of March 24th 1944, 76 men broke out of the German prisoner of war camp, Stalag Luft III. Their audacious escape would later be immortalized in the film, The Great Escape – but here, we imagine the more immediate reaction on Twitter.

I have shown two of the actors from the film, Richard 'Dickie' Attenborough (now Sir Richard) and king of cool (now brown bread) Steve McQueen. Between the two men is the gymnastic vaulting horse beneath which tunnelling was carried out. Both men are discreetly dropping the dug earth onto the exercise yard.

Hollywood took quite a few liberties with the story - there were no Americans involved, and no motorcycle! Never let the truth get in the way of a good story...

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