Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Leap" No1

Jack, that consummate leaper of yore and proverb
(So many Jacks in the English popular imagination!)

Ink and dip pen sketch
coloured up in PS.

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Lee Grace Design and illustration said...

nice style and well executed

thisisnotabloggerblog3 said...

fantastic piece!
I dig the colors and the style.

ElizT said...

And I agree.

Rui Sousa said...

Nice really nice!

Bee said...

Really like the style of your work and choice of colours, very nice composition here.

shaky mouse said...

clever mix of digital and ink.. line work as ever looks great..

Fourborne said...

Great illo.

Kim and Jane said...

oh, love your style! and love this piece.


lil kim said...

love this, great style!